Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Patrick's Day Surprise

Colleague surprised self-proclaimed party animal shows up to work on March 17, 2015
Lindsay Peters a senior associate at a local accounting firm was surprised today when a team member on a major account arrived today at work.  Ms. Peters was expecting Mr. Johnson to be taking the day off in order to drink as much green beer as possible.  Said Ms. Peters “He is always bragging about his college frat and how much they drank.  I scheduled a ton of meetings because he always interrupts the meetings.”  Ms. Peters was visibly disappointed throughout the meetings, going so far as to place many of Mr. Johnson’s ideas in the ‘parking lot’ – an area of the white board dedicated to ideas which will be re-visited.   Replied Ms. Peters “No way that parking lot gets an agenda item next week.”
Mr. Johnson acknowledged the mix up, “I saw in my calendar that we had a ton of stuff to do on the account so I knew I had to pass on this year’s festivities.”  Mr. Johnson also noted the end of the fiscal year played into his decision to skip St. Patrick’s Day, “I didn’t want the boss to think I am goofing off, better to wait until Friday to take a long lunch and watch the NCAA tournament.”   As to the parking lot, Mr. Johnson doesn’t really care.  “Honestly, I just wanted to show the boss I wasn’t totally hammered.”

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