Tuesday, March 17, 2015

NCAA Hypocrisy

Senior at Western Michigan “Totally Gets” how NCAA is exploitive
Dan Williams a senior with $125,000 in outstanding student loans totally gets how his fellow classmates are being exploited by the NCAA system.  Said Williams “It’s not fair to them, these student athletes have to play a sport and attend classes to get a scholarship.  All I have to do is attend classes and have a job delivering pizzas to get a student loan.  The NCAA is totally taking advantage.  It’s like slavery.”  Williams acknowledged that he would be paying off his student loans well into his 40s, but he wasn’t upset his University subsidized 74% of his school’s athletic department at a rate of $21m.  Williams, while trying to explain the injustice of millionaire coaches yelling at players was suddenly called away by his boss at Dominos as he was need for an emergency all night shift.

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