Sunday, March 22, 2015

Obama Sends Netanyahu a Fruit Basket

President Barack Obama sent Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a fruit basket today to congratulate him on wining the Israeli Knesset elections.  Said Obama "I wanted to show Mr. Netanyahu the American people stand behind him 100%.  It's really a nice fruit basket, it has plums and a few kiwis."

The fruit basket was selected by the President's wife, the first lady, Michelle Obama.  Said Mrs. Obama "It is from a family owned place we heard about from our friends.  Unfortunately they don't deliver so Mr. Netanyahu will have to pick it up himself."

Gaza City Fruit Baskets, the store in question, has seen a recent uptick in notoriety since the order was placed.  The owner Mahmood Hadawi says the phone has been ringing off the hook "People keep calling me asking about the fruit basket.  Everyone in Gaza wants to know when Netanyahu will come pick it up."

Netanyahu has yet to comment on the basket.

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